Ayurvedic Practitioners
Carol Nace
The calendar and thermometer are telling us it is still summer and boy; we’re experiencing a hot finish! Still, it’s time to begin preparing for the fall season. Ayurveda calls this time Ritusandhi or the gap between seasons. In the transition to fall, we want to cool things down before that heat is trapped within us as our inner fires retreat to our core. We also want to cultivate softness and grounding from oils, heavier foods and spices to support us through the hibernation we will soon experience in later fall and through winter.
Are you preparing yourself? Here’s three ways you can get started:
- Join Kathleen and Carol on the 2024 Mexico Yoga Retreat
- Join a Community Cleanse program – Check out SVA’s 7 Week Detox Course and program.
- Connect with an Ayurveda Practitioner for personalized coaching.
Not sure which one to choose – schedule a free session with Carol of Bodhi Ayurveda and we’ll guide you.
Cheryl MacSherry
Panchakarma is a gentle system of detoxification and purification that encompasses the body, mind and spirit. Ama (toxins) often builds within the body where they can prevent and interfere with the body’s natural healing process. Removing ama helps the body speak to itself again and is an important step in maintaining optimal health. Guided every step of the way by Cheryl from Loving Hands Ayurveda, you will deeply detoxify the body, strengthen the immune system and restore your body’s natural rhythm. Clients who undergo this process lose weight, enjoy a clearer mind and feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated. Fall is just around the corner; book your panchakarma session soon. Cheryl@Loving HandsAyurveda or 708-280-3519
Mazie Soto
Mazie is here to guide you to find your unique path to a state of balance and harmony. Here to remind you that Ayurveda can help you heal yourself and feel whole by exploring and learning your body’s wisdom, inner intelligence, and inner healing medicine. Bilingual and offerings in Spanish and English. Visit her Website
Rose Carol, LPC
I work with psyche or soul called Depth Psychotherapy, this type of therapy allows one to contact the unconsciousness patterns and triggers that plague our lives, it may also mean contacting our hidden ‘gold’ or unexpressed potential in life. As we uncover the dust and polish our inner gem, this work helps us to truly shine in life and remove obstacles that have been in our way. These sessions are offered online via zoom or in person. As needed, Ayurveda may be introduced into a session if one additionally needs help with behavior and nutrition modification, herbal support, stress reduction, or body therapies such as marma therapy to help prana flow and remove blocks to progress. Additionally, I offer Ayurveda Health Coach Certificate Training with a curriculum starting October 19 2023. I have been practicing Ayurveda professionally since 1989, and have a masters degree in clinical counseling from Pacifica Graduate Institute I may be contacted via text 847 636 2744 website www.ayurvedahealthcoach.com
Garden of Yoga is overjoyed to announce the start of a scholarship fund! If you are a regular Garden of Yoga student, in need of temporary financial assistance, consider applying for a scholarship. Assistance is available for group class cards and workshops.
This fund is made possible through generous donations from our Yoga Community. Please consider a contribution. Any amount helps.
Scholarship information and application form.
Studio Rental
Contact Kathleen Wright to rent our space for workshops and classes.
BKS Iyengar – yoga master, teacher, author and inspiration for our practice of yoga asana and pranayama
Ramanand Patel – has trained many of the Senior Iyengar teachers in the United States and abroad. He is a master practitioner and teacher of yoga. Kathleen is proud to be his student since 1982.
Edwin Bryant – Professor of Hindu Religion and Philosophy
Department of Religion, Rutgers University
Janet MacLeod – senior Iyengar Yoga teacher from San Francisco, California. Janet visits Garden of Yoga twice a year to lead weekend workshops.
Lois Steinberg – the senior certified Iyengar Yoga teacher in our region (Midwest). She maintains the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Institute of Champaign-Urbana in Urbana, Illinois. Lois offers various workshops at her facility during the year, notably a week-long summer intensive the first week of August.
Yoga Habitat – features healing therapies provided by Board certified Ayurveda practitioner and certified Yoga Therapist Deepti Suri and team.
Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS) – the national umbrella organization in the United States that supports Iyengar Yoga and the national teacher certification process.
Iyengar Yoga Assocation of the Midwest (IYAMW) – the regional association of IYNAUS. The Association sponsors an annual fall retreat featuring senior teachers from the Midwest region. An opportunity to meet fellow Iyengar yogis from throughout the area.
Arsha Vidya Gurukulum (AVG), Saylorsburg, PA – Arsha Vidya means ‘knowledge of the rishis, the ancient sages to whom the earliest sacred Hindu texts were revealed through states of higher conciousness. AVG is a center in eastern Pennsylvania dedicated to the teaching of Vedanta (Indian philosophy), Sanskrit, and Yoga. It was founded in 1986 by Pujya Swami Dayananda.
The Meditation Center; Minneapolis, MN – The center offers training in Raja Yoga, an integrated, scientific, experiential approach to improving a person’s ability to skillfully use mind and body in everyday life. The Meditation Center serves as a resource of the Himalayan Tradition, which was established in the West by H.H. Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas.