Ayurveda Approaches to Release Depression

May 2, 2022

6:00 PM

Ayurveda Approaches to Release Depression

with Rose Carol, M.A. LPC  – Monday, May 2 at 6:00 pm CST

  • Understand the cause of suffering according to Ayurvedic Psychology
  • Discover Ayurvedic Techniques such as a home nasya treatment, specific pranayama that works on the brain to increase neurochemicals resulting in feelings of well-being and happiness
  • What to do if you can’t get out of bed
  • Ancient Vedic Scriptures –  to enliven the memory of joy
  • Enlivening vata and pitta to get sluggish kapha moving
  • Nutrition and herbal support for reducing balancing the mind and emotions
  • Social connection to combat the blues in an online world
  • Ayurvedic detox of the colon to improve mental states
  • Releasing depression and moving forward

Rose Carol is a Shaka Vansya Ayurveda Health Practitioner, licensed counselor, and founder of Ayurveda Amritanam Learning Center offering Ayurvedic Education and Professional Training www.ayurvedalearningcenter.com 847 636 2744

Please rsvp by replying to this email to receive the zoom link or emailing rose.carol.zivin@gmail.com here is the link but you must rsvp to be let into the meeting –

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Thank you and I hope to meet you soon!  This will be recorded, if you can’t attend it live please email Rose to receive the replay.