January 19, 2019
1:00 PM / 4:00 PM
Instructor: Steve Shields
Cost: $55 in advance, $65 that day
EFT uses the technique of tapping on one’s own energy meridians while safely tuning in to emotional and physical issues. This process leads to the release of negative blocks and facilitates stress release, calm and clarity.
This simple approach provides a sense of awareness, balance and learning and the benefits can be perceived during the process of tapping. EFT can be used in support of any other modality to release blocks in the process.
In this special workshop you will learn:
- The origins of EFT
- The basic tapping points and how to tap on them
- The verbal components used for “tuning in”
- How to use EFT to safely access emotional or physical issues
- How to apply EFT to support any existing modalities that you use
- How tapping facilitates wellness in the process of dealing with issues, enhancing performance, or just achieving a state of calmness and balance
- The 3 approaches to using EFT – Self-help, With a Practitioner, Tapping in a Group
Attendees will be able to:
- Locate and use the basic tapping points used in EFT
- Understand the basic “set up statements” used in EFT
- Practice the basic method of describing and tapping on a physical/ emotional issue
- Understand the basic terms used in EFT that refer to emotions
Learn to measure any shift from pre–tapping to post-tapping