September 19, 2021
10:30 AM / 12:30 PM
Instructor: Kristen Kepnick
Hybrid via Zoom and in-person at Garden of Yoga
$30 in advance; $35 day of (contact Kristen if cost is prohibitive)
A hallmark of the Iyengars’ approach to yoga is their intelligent sequencing and sensible approach to adjusting poses as needed. This intelligence and sensibility extends to yoga practices for women’s monthly and life cycles. Join Kristen Kepnick for this workshop based on a sequence Patricia Walden developed for The Woman’s Book of Yoga & Health. This 26-pose sequence takes the body through its complete range of motion and provides support for the endocrine, nervous, digestive and reproductive systems. Though the sequence was designed to support women’s health, it is appropriate for all and everyone with 6-months or more of Iyengar yoga experience is welcome for this workshop.
Register by paying for workshop via PayPal, Zelle or Venmo (pay to