Yoga with Scoliosis: 4-week class series with Teresa Heit-Murray
5:45 pm – 7:00 pm
October/November (4 weeks $100 ) Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 16
This 4-week specialty class series is designed for students with scoliosis, a diagnosed asymmetrical lateral curvature(s) of the spine and rotation. Working with intention, students will learn how to adjust yoga poses for their specific curves. Practicing yoga for scoliosis can build strength, knowledge and potential pain relief, as well as build confidence and understanding. Alignment-based yoga positions, anatomy, breathwork, relaxation, somatic myofascial release, strength and stability will all be included in this series. Students will be led into poses to strengthen the spine and support areas of the body for healthy posture. We will work to reduce compensatory patterns while standing, sitting and lying down. Presentation of the latest science and thinking relevant to scoliosis, how the brain works, and current yoga teaching around scoliosis will be included along with yoga practice. Creating community and support for each other is another key component.
All levels are welcome, from new yoga students to teachers.
Note: Students are encouraged to bring a copy of their scoliosis x-ray to accurately confirm their scoliosis curve location and direction.
FEE: $100.00 for series or $30 for drop in/class during summer
Register: email teresa at:
Payment: by check or credit card through Square. There is a 2.9% + 30 cents charge added for credit card transactions.
Teresa Heit-Murray, RYT-200, BS
Teresa started practicing yoga in her 20’s while working as an Exhibition Designer at the Field Museum of Natural History. She came to yoga with chronic back issues due to adolescent scoliosis. She found pain relief and a whole new perspective on her body and life. Rosalie Holt, who held the longest standing yoga class in Chicago, encouraged Teresa to become a teacher. Teresa has taught yoga for over 10 years and continues to be a lifelong learner herself. She is certified in Pure Yoga with Alison English; Yin with Paul Grilley; Prenatal; Yogakids®; and Yoga for Strength and Stability® with Lori Gaspar. Teresa has studied extensively, Yoga for Scoliosis with Dr. Loren Fishman and Elise Miller. Teresa also studied with Tias Little, Tom Meyers, Jill Miller, Leslie Howard, Gabrial Halpurn, William Hunt and the Prairie Yoga staff and others. Teresa is currently completing her RYT-500 through Prairie Yoga’s Advanced Teacher Training and is focusing on therapeutic yoga, especially Scoliosis. She teaches the Prairie teacher training Adaptations Scoliosis Module.
Teresa finds more energy, strength and ease in her body and life with yoga. She hopes to help others on their healing journey with yoga. She also co-leads a daily Sangha via Zoom and finds meditation and breath work also to be transformative. In addition to yoga, Teresa loves nature, art, swimming and dance. She has a teen daughter, dog and husband who go camping with her and long walks in nature.
Future dates
November/December: (3 weeks $75) Nov. 30, Dec. 7, 14