Benefit Weekend Workshop with Janet MacLeod and Paul Levine

Event Details

  • Date:

Save the date for a special weekend workshop with the wonderful Janet MacLeod!

Friday 7-9 pm: PERFECT for Friday evening – a variety of supported poses

Saturday Noon – 2 pm: Comparing and Contrasting Adho Mukha Svanasana (dog pose) with Uttanasana (standing forward bend)

Saturday 4 – 6 pm: Physics of the Human Body w/Paul Levine

Sunday Noon – 2 pm: Backbending with Ease. Discover a rare level of comfort in these exhilarating poses with Janet’s skillful sequencing.

Suggested Donation: $270/Weekend; $75/Class
Email Kathleen to register indicating full weekend or desired classes.

Payment information:
Zelle: (815) 429-3103

Checks should be mailed to:
Garden of Yoga
140 North LaGrange Road, Suite 17
LaGrange, IL 60525

Janet MacLeod fell in love with Iyengar Yoga in London, England in the late 70’s. She became a Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor 40 years ago. Originally from Scotland, Janet teaches throughout the United States and conducts guest workshops and retreats worldwide. Although her classes are demanding, she makes yoga a joyful journey with surprising destinations!

Paul Levine escaped academia with a Master’s degree in Physics. He spent nearly thirty five years working professionally in Science and Engineering. Concurrent with pursuing his career Paul has studied Martial Arts and Iyengar Yoga extensively. As a Physicist he has always sought to reconcile the physical methodologies of the Eastern disciplines with those of Physics.