Level 1 Iyengar Yoga
Instructor: Kristen Kepnick Cost: Zoom class: $12 drop in. In-person class: $18 drop in or $60 for a 4-class pack For students that have completed the Introduction to Iyengar Yoga series at Garden of Yoga or have previous asana experience. Prepare for more advanced asanas, including inversions and backbends. 90 minutes. Contact Kristen for link and payment instructions.
Beginning/Continuing Yoga
Instructor: Connie Zdenek Cost: $18/class or $60/4 class card Zelle: 708-557-9997 PayPal (Friends and Family): zdenekconnie@att.net Checks should be made to Connie Zdenek.
Iyengar Yoga All Levels
Instructor: Kathleen Wright * Cost: $24 drop in, or $80 for 4 consecutive classes (classes are lost if not used in a 4-week period) Continuing students only; no new students at this time. Space is limited. Contact Kathleen via email or text message in advance if you would like to attend: yogakmw@gmail.com or 708-989-1329 Payment with … Continue reading Iyengar Yoga All Levels
Iyengar Yoga
Instructor: Kathleen Wright * Cost: $24 drop in, or $80 for 4 consecutive classes (classes are lost if not used in a 4-week period) Continuing students only; no new students at this time. Space is limited. Contact Kathleen via email or text message in advance if you would like to attend: yogakmw@gmail.com or 708-989-1329 Payment with Venmo, … Continue reading Iyengar Yoga
Hatha Yoga/Gentle Vinyasa Flow
New class with Jordan Burkhardt! Cost: $60 for 4 classes or $18 for 1 Contact Jordan to register: jordanburkhardt@yahoo.com